Anyone pregnant use your health insurance nurse hotline for advice?

Anyone pregnant use your health insurance nurse hotline for advice?
I'm 7 months pregnant and my 16 month old kicked me really hard in the crotch when I was changing him. I wasn't bleeding or leaking fluid but I kept having little shooting pains so I called the 24 hour nurse line on my health insurance card since my OBGYN was closed and I wasn't sure if I should call the answering service or wait until the next morning. The nurse told me I had to page my doctor right away, that I should expect a blood test to make sure that the baby's blood wasn't mixing with mine in case of injury. I called right away in a panic and my doctor wasn't concerned at all, and said that mixing of blood was very unlikely and said I was fine as long as I wasn't bleeding, etc. and that the baby was well protected. Now I feel very confused at the very different advice. Has anyone ever experienced this or had issues with your health insurance nurse hotline when you were pregnant?

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never have but i can tell u something your baby is surrounded by alot of fluid and is safe in there always if someone bumps u the baby wont feel a thing unless its like something massive like a car accident or something but u shouldnt be concerned no blood no problem
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